Fantastic Book:
I'm currently reading a fantastic, eye opening book titled Defeating the Totalitarian Lie by Hilmar Von Campe.
The author was a former Hitler Youth and the book is to warn America. Warn us about what? About the people who want us dead and how they're planning it.
Do I have your attention?
You've probably already heard the quote from an American soldier that America isn't at war, America is at the mall.
Well it's true. American people need to WAKE UP. (I'll do my very best to keep profanity out of this.) But seriously, my tolerance with idiots is wearing thin. I'm afraid I'm preaching to the choir here, but hopefully a few on the "other" side will read this and be enlightened enough to do their own research.
With the indoctrination of public schools the youth of America is getting easier and easier to control. Think I'm crazy? How the hell (oops, sorry) do you think obama became president elect?
#1. People must have a purpose and the shell of human beings today do not have a purpose and they feel he (they're false savior) will give that to them. Just like Hitler did for the German youth.
#2. Because the youth do not think for themselves they're easy to manipulate and don't even realize it is happening. And how? Because they do not have any morals. That saying, if you stand for nothing you'll fall for anything comes to mind. Also, you can only manipulate morally weak people who care only for themselves. (remember all the crazy people saying obama was going to pay their bills?) The youth of today are more concerned with their video games and what the stupid celebrities of lala land (aka Hollywood) are doing.
#3 The media is tainted just as it was by Hitler. (please don’t make me break this one down).
#4. His pastor is part of an ideology that wants to rule the world. Ever hear of a Jesuit priest Olivero Medina? Neither did I. In 2002 he became as ambassador for the rebel Columbian Revolutionary Armed Forces to Brazil and delivered money from Hugo Chavez, NOW I KNOW YOU’VE HEARD THAT NAME! to the then president of the Communist Workers Party of Brazil. Yes, you read that correctly, COMMUNIST!~
The Africans and African Americans are doing the same thing. The senior pastor, of Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, the infamous “God Damn America” pastor, Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.
(for those already confused…ideology is:
1: visionary theorizing2 a: a systematic body of concepts especially about human life or culture b: a manner or the content of thinking characteristic of an individual, group, or culture c: the integrated assertions, theories and aims that constitute a sociopolitical program
So what’s the ideology? The Black Theology of liberation.
Again, let me explain
Theology is:
1: the study of religious faith, practice, and experience ; especially : the study God and of God's relation to the world2 a: a theory or system b: a distinctive body of theological opinion
Except in this case, the theology is HATE, not so much religion faith, etc.
Back to the topic four: Liberation from what? It should be them dealing with their hate, but I do believe it’s the liberation from America, i.e. white people or what they feel is a class warfare. So it’s either race warfare or class warfare. Yes I am aware that neither one of those is politically correct but that is a whole other subject.
The president elect doesn’t stand for anything, just as the Nazi’s didn’t stand for anything either. They changed their stand on all issues that fit their needs.
What’s my point? My point is, obama is nothing but a freaking puppet. Who’s his master? Not sure, but chances are they’re puppets too. The terrorists? Puppets. Yes, they want world domination too, but they’re doing the dirty work just like the Nazi’s did the dirty work for the Soviets.
We know the Arabs want to destroy Israel. This is a fairly new hate. The only country standing in their way is us the great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, but for how long?
And we all know the United Nations is corrupt…right? If you don’t, that too is another subject to tackle. And the only country in the way of the UN taking control of world domination is … yes you guessed it, America!
Now that Obama is president elect, what does that mean for the future of America?
Sunday, December 21, 2008
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