Saturday, October 23, 2010

الارهاب لا دين له Terrorism has no religion

الارهاب لا دين له

google translation of terrorism has no religion.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Guantanamo Bay,,6098754_type_video_struct_10406_contentId_6095778,00.html

If the prisoners want to go on a hunger strike, let them starve and die. It's their choice. Someone wants a McDonald's meal before talking? Forget it. They get better meals than what inmates are served in the states? What the hell is wrong with this picture? These people are in an extreme prison for their crimes and shouldn't be molly coddled.

America needs to wake up!

First Line of Defense? Oh Shit!
This is a great website for information happening state wide and world wide.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Always the Patriots who hear the call~

A great song.